
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

HQ PHOTOS: Jennifer Lawrence on Fallon Tonight

1 comment:

  1. You have Rachel Welch type beauty. You are young and still able to learn poise and graciousness that makes a person be able to look back and not feel embarrassed. You have a short period of time to blame your age for being loud or uncouth, and then the world will be less forgiving and tolerant, look at Hilton and Rider, so sad. Don't forget your roots, your family. Lastly, just because you weren't paid equal to a man don't let it suck you in to everything the women suffrage movement pushes for...most of it feminism...emasculating men (how mean), killing unborn children (more mean contraception options abound), denying God (ultimate meaness), and let's add confusion about nature and gender -- all will eat away at your soul. When you lose your soul what do you have -- a myriad of possibilities: becoming bitter, cynical, lost, or dying young? Please don't end up lost or dying young like so many young stars think Ledger -- another statistic. Stay close to your family and don't shame them or try to change them because of your new status or wealth, take time to read the Bible (yah, that book that many poo poo on but have never read or studied, well except for many script writers who take concepts from the Bible and put them into movies) - this book if read and studied with an open heart is pretty amazing. Everything you do or say now affects you and others...thus the term personal responsibility. You can make it. Prayers.
